Monday, December 20, 2010

The Solution : Snuggle Nest

The whole journey of planning for your arrival has turned our route our lives into a total unbelievable direction.

One day, We were going through the routine of the future...
Milk, bathing, sending to grandma's place... picking up... then " Sleeping"
We realised ... Darius u had to sleep alone in the crib in your room ... ALONE..
Immediately we tried to stroll the cot into Our bedroom.. and it got stuck at the door.

So we searched high and low for a solution ( your typical engineered brained parents)
Always must have a solution to problems.

After several search we decided the SNUGGLE NEST was the best option ( so far... )
and Dua Kor gladly agree to sponsor >>  Thankies to Her!
It's all washed up and ready for use! The best thing about it .. it's portable and can be carried when we are on trips ( to your grand parents place.. etc)

Our only fear now is that not sure if u sleep on the same bed.. will daddy give u a tai chi blow.
We shall see.. everything is quite uncertain yah. * Wink*

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