Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Big D mistaken AGE

Darius is only closing up to 5 months and yet we are getting all the funny feedbacks

@Ichiban IMM on A Sunday Afternoon Lunch
Ichiban Staff : " you need a baby chair, since your child is awake?"
Mummy : " Ahem, actually No Thanks! This boy can't sit on the baby high chair"
Mummy : " Btw, he's barely balancing his heavy head and he is only 4 mos+"
Ichiban Staff : " WOW! ok.... <Paused of silence>
Ichiban Staff : " Sorry, I thought he's a two year old kid, he looks BIG"

Yet another typical way to remind us that you are our GIANT baby.

Recalling back long time ago when you, Mr Darius is only about 2 mos+ we had breakfast with grandpa and grandma @ Westmall outside Aussino.
There's the udder ice cream seat out area. An Ang Moh couple with their baby.
He was a 4 mos baby and you were much much bigger size then him.

Well we loved that you a big size and all that but we truly worried about your weight issues ( at such young age..)
And I'm very sure we are so going to face another confrontation from the polyclinic doctor this coming June Jab session * Wish us luck*

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