Saturday, May 28, 2011

Breakfast till 5pm :)

Big D met up with mummy's friends for breakfast today.. plus lunch! :)

We had breakfast @ Forty Hands, yong shiak street. V good and nice food. Tho the place is alittle crowded and warm but it's definitely cozy.
Not so nice to be mistaken by others that the pungent smell is Big D's poo poo... should be from the other kiddo from the other table.

after Big Boy breakfast and Salmon Hash we headed to Orchard Central...
Hang around @ Fruit paradise for Music/ Dance and Fruit Tart.

Later it was EWF for lunch.. then we headed home @ 5pm.
Dead Beat!

But mummy wanted to complete the canvas works.. and Ta DAh! Done!

And Daddy is finding means to watch champion league... @ 2am.

What a saturday!

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