Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Darius on Bumbo Chair * Stuck*

It's time to train your neck muscles and finally we got the passed down bumbo chair.

Well , all was fine, tho you are still a little ' Bu Dao Weng'. The only thing that bothered us once again was that your chubby , juicy thighs (Daddy's colleague, you know who you are loved this phrase when Mummy Blogs about it) are STUCK !!!
You have outgrown the bubo chair! What are we going to do?


  1. Big D is getting more & more handsome each day, especially with the cool hairstyle he now sports!

    - The one who loves "chubby, juicy thighs"

  2. @ JH , Thanks for the Compliment on Big D's Behalf. I guess he takes after his DAD * This is not typed by HL, he never blogs or leaves comment here...

  3. @Tamy, You should be going too.. maybe u can accompany big D. help me baby sit him. Or Rather maybe Big D should accompany you!
    * kidding*

  4. oh no!! tho, that's so cute that he got stuck. oops!
