Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Darius's Food Review - Rice Cereal/Carrot Puree

Started with An Empty bowl 

Poured Rice cereal and 3 baby spoon of the Cooked carrot puree

Mixed and Twirl until semi- solidified.

The Puree is finally ready to be served to the " King"

Enjoying the Puree but need some warm water to wash down.

The unavoidable MESS

 Give ME MORE !!! and Stop using your Iphone to snap me, Just hold on to the SPOON and FEED ME
That was his message to Mummy " Sigh"

 OK, I need to be more efficient with every single drop of this nice stuff
MESS again~

 It's really Gluey, but superb!
Moustache-ed Me with the Food? 

 Mummy, I'll bite on the Bowl so that you will not take this good stuff away

 Ok, I know I have to be more civilized, BUT can you be QUICK

 That's Better !

 How come it's getting lesser..... and lesser
* Boy, all went into your little round tummy!

Finally the Verdict from Darius on his very 1st Rice cereal-Carrot Puree.

Verdict : 5 Thumbs UP !!!

smiley facessmiley facessmiley facessmiley facessmiley faces
Still after all the serving of Rice cereal -carrot puree, dear Big D still need his normal dosage of MILK in order to be knocked off.

smiley faces

Side Line a little, wondering where did those leftover carrots been to?

Daddy also gave 100 Points for the wonderful pasta dinner (* Winks*)
Now all the washing and cleaning left to be done.

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