Sunday, June 12, 2011

Darius Vaccinaton which Possibly lead to .....

Last friday ( 3 June) we went for your monthly vaccination - this time round only 1x Jab + 1x oral ( which includes rotavirus)

On the way there ( a very short drive from home to polyclinic) , our friend managed to doze zzzZZzzzz off.

Not know the upcoming danger, Big D is so comfy sleeping in his pram while holding on to his Q no.

The great news - Big D's Milk cut down program for the last month paid off.
From 8.7 Kg, managed to control his weight and this month is only an increase of 0.2 kg. 8.9Kg @ 5 Months :)

On Sunday ( 5 June), the diarrhea started , and our friend is starting to purge.
At 1st we thought was the cereal and stopped all cereal meal. But did not get better. 

Went to the Pd @ CCK Dr Ng's clinic on Wed. Took Medicine and some hydrates aka glucose water. And for the next 3 days it's all about Poo, Poo , More Poo ( Watery Poo) , diaper changing, wipes and washing all things that possibly come in contact. Phew~ 
Also Big D had to switch to Isomil since Cow's milk will actually induce more of the watery poo ( too bad, mummy brand milk is going real low in volume). Well Big D is not too picky and readily drinks the Isomil as tho no changes.

Lots of Laundry and All belongs to Big D... clothes, napkins, small towels, big towels....... the list goes on.

We had to wash everything just to clear all the possibility of contagious leftovers...

And Finally on 12 Jun ( Sunday), We had Hard Poo... the normal type of Poo we used to had... so relieved...

I could have taken a photo of the 1st hard poo after this saga but Daddy had strong objection... well it looked like a paste that army guys use to cam their face. :)

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