Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Learning the letter "U"

We received an SMS from school seeking parents cooperation to help the kiddos to bring a Brolly to school on Last Friday. Apparently to enhance kiddo's learning on the letter 'U' ( can't believe that already the PN class already reached the last fews letter of the alpha set )
Anyway where to find a kiddo size umbrella while mummy is stuck at home due to confinement? Online? Guess big D has to depend on his daddy to bring one home or he has to bring an oversized Brolly to school.
Daddy did a good job ( with mum's help- of coz) he brought home the kiddo size Ben 10 umbrella for the son!
If this goes on for all the 26 alphabets we are going to be cracking lots of head just finding the right props :)

So here's big d and his classmates fun day out at the fields (tracks) -outdoor learning on letter 'U' ( he better remember letter 'u' cost dad 10 bucks :)

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