This is going to be the 2nd busiest year I have other than year 2009 when we were preparing for our wedding.
Phew, we managed to get all the stuffs required in order to welcome the little boy into our house. Amazingly, when Darius is in mummy's tummy, he is already keeping us real busy.
Firstly, during the first trimester, he made mummy vomit everyday. And then the dizzy spells that mummy have every morning. And then of cos the food craving sent daddy scrambling to get char quay tiao, chocolate, ice cream and what else, famous amos. According to mummy, these are all darius request. Hmmmm.
Then came the 2nd trimester when everything was rather smooth. Mummy's or darius's appetite became exceptionally good. Weight gain was a daily affair. No morning nauseousness or vomitting, only lots of food. Honeymoon period.
Thirdly, which is now the 3rd trimester. Everyweek is a surprise. Mummy and daddy s busy coping with all the symptoms from the pregancy, rashes, giddiness, tummyache, foot swollen, hand and feet itchy, allergy, oily nose, fatigue, you name it we have it. At least 3-4 trips to the GP already this month + 1 time to KK and 2 times to gynae. And of cos all these + setting up the nice nursery + milk bottles, tits, towels and ....
We are now anxious parents awaiting the arrival of the little boy. Daddy is observing mummy's feet everyday, any sign of swellness reduction meant, darius can arrive within a day or 2. How exciting !!!!
In fact, there are 7 aunts + 4 grandparents, lots of friends, relatives and 1 dog who are also anxious for darius's arrival. Let hope he come soon and safely.
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