Saturday, March 5, 2011

Our Routine ( Week Days)

"Little Boy" is in deep sleep... FINALLY some time on the Internet and some bloggin!

Mummy is already back to work for 1x Week and slowly getting use to the work routine. Mornings are starting to be stressful once again, as if back to School days...

  • Both Parent wake up by 630am and start getting ready for Work
  • Maybe Darius needs a feed this time as well, but if not, Parents crept around the house without lights on ...getting ready ( i.e Bath, change, iron clothes... express milk...wash bottles..
  • Walk to Car park as a family unit and hop into our Honda Civic
  • Drive along Bukit Batok Road ( and usually U are fast asleep in Mummy's arm)
  • Reached Granny Liz's @ ~ 715 - 730am
  • Take the Lift to 12 floor and bring Milk supply for the daytime
  • Daddy place Milk in Mini Fridge  while Mummy either hand over you to Grandma Liz or place u in Cot
  • Parent Rush to Work ( Dad send Mum and Dad goes to work)
  • Parents working ( 8am ---- 6pm)
  • Dad fetches Mum ~ 630pm and from Woodlands head back to Bukit Batok
  • Reaches Granny's ~ 730pm
  • Both Parents Gobble down Dinner ( if Granny cooks) Otherwise Tapao Dinner, Still need to gobble down...
  • Grandma Liz provide updates of the day ( No. of time you S**t, your last feeding time and your special moments - Playing/ talking to the Curtain)
  • Dad Plays with your cousin Isaac
  • As a family unit we say goodbye, usually spending some more time explaining to Isaac Kor where we are going and try to let him get use to our goodbyes
  • 830pm - Home Sweet Home
  • Daddy bath, while Mummy stare at you
  • Washes all that need to wash, sterilize blah blah.. * What's new? 
  • Mummy bath and express your food source
  • Playtime with you and Feed time ~9 -930pm
  • 1030pm Sleep time for family unit
  • 4am - Mummy to wake up and express and some times you also wake up for food!
  • Cycles goes on and on and on and on.......
We are so glad the weekend is here!
Cheers to Saturday and Sunday~!

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