Thursday, August 16, 2012

Darius @ ChildCare (contd on Day3)

Day 3 - 18 July 2012
The last day of parents taking leaves to accompany little boy to school. From tomorrow on wards, sorry, its all on YOUR own.
The plan was to let him into school for the full day... and grandparents to fetch.

Day 3 started really good with Darius hugging "mo" to school and the usual routine of inspecting the garden before heading onto Daddy's car.

Having a great time on the way to school ( of course, mummy feeding the cereal bar + there's a Ball for play + Video is on " Playtime with Ernie")

This Picture just made Mummy feel so bad .... Looking at the young boy interacting in class but having this blur look ... so ..... " Hai yoh" feel like bringing him home.

Nap time and very well adjusted, Thanks to Teacher Ling Ling for the photos. Grandma has some comment : When Seeing Big D with his toys ( "Mo" and Big Bird) makes her feel like he is like a nomad... moving here to there...

Darius quickly adjusted to childcare and lasted until 545, but as per Teacher Ling Ling, for younger kiddo ( our plan was to fetch him @ 645) So a major change of plans and routine have to be reconsidered....He was crying as he sees his friend being picked up and leaving saying bye bye... Poor Kiddo... Sorry Darling!

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